Conduct of the Presidency Nixon might have been one of the most successful presidents in U.S. history. He was a shrewd manipulator of public opinion. He had a natural affinity for foreign affairs. Although he was conservative, Nixon was not a particularly ideological president. For the most part, Congress respected his talents and followed his leadership. His "new Republican majority" nearly became a reality. But Nixon allowed himself to be trapped in a criminal conspiracy. He was forced to resign from office. Government Leadership Nixon was not an especially effective executive. Like most strong presidents, he fought to win. But he seemed not to have known where to draw the line. Thus, he set an unfortunate "win-at-all-cost" tone for his administration. Nixon presided over a run-away government. His staff indiscriminately broke the law. In some instances, they did so without his direct approval. Then he became part of a conspiracy to cover up their crimes. Political Leadership Nixon hoped to build a "new Republican majority." And he almost succeeded. At the end of his second term, Republicans were the majority party in the western states. They also made substantial inroads into the traditionally Democratic southern states. But Nixon's party-building was undermined by the Watergate scandal. After his resignation, the Republican majority failed to materialize. Arms Control Nixon made major strides in arms control. His administration negotiated the Strategic Arms Limitation Agreement (SALT I). In SALT I, the United States and the former Soviet Union placed the first limitations on their nuclear arsenals. Civil and Human Rights Nixon's civil rights policies were moderate. His administration enforced court-ordered school desegregation. Nixon also created the first "affirmative action" programs to increase economic opportunity for women and minorities. The Economy, Taxes, Regulation, and International Trade Nixon inherited a bloated economy. But he avoided a major recession. To control inflation, he imposed wage and price controls. He also untied the value of the U.S. dollar from gold. Still, the global economy was changing. Before Nixon left office, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) imposed an oil embargo on the West. Americans faced a declining standard of living. Environmental Protection Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency. Congress passed other major environmental bills during his presidency. When he vetoed a water-quality bill, Congress overruled him. Foreign Affairs Nixon was a highly effective foreign-policy manager. He abandoned the "moralist" approach to foreign affairs. He concentrated on protecting the U.S. national interest. In the process, Nixon ended the American military involvement in Southeast Asia. He improved U.S. relations with most of the developing world. He brought the Peoples' Republic of China into the community of nations. Nixon also eased tensions with the Soviets. And then he forced them to cooperate on nuclear arms control. Global Leadership Nixon was a successful world leader. He did not set out to change the world. He pretty much accepted it as it was. But he poured great energy into managing big global crises. And he led the world away from potential catastrophes. Nixon unquestionably enhanced the chance for global peace. He made the world much safer. Military Preparedness Nixon ended the military draft. He created the U.S. volunteer armed services. Military salaries and benefits were increased to attract high-quality recruits. War and Peace Nixon negotiated an end to American military involvement in Vietnam. He withdrew U.S. troops from Southeast Asia. The Historical Legacy Nixon's legacy is one of the most complicated in U.S. history. On a personal level, he was a divisive force in American politics. But his domestic polices were generally moderate and pragmatic. They won him praise in unexpected quarters. In addition, Nixon's foreign-policy achievements were formidable. In retirement, he continued to command extraordinary respect on the world stage. Still, the Watergate tapes revealed Nixon betraying his solemn constitutional oath to uphold the law. Few presidents have been guilty of a more serious transgression.